How the Open Source LAMP Stack Makes Linux VPS Hosting Essential

When selecting a virtual private server (VPS hosting plan) for your business, keep in mind that your choice of operating system can have a significant impact on the future of your hosting service. Linux VPS hosting and Windows VPS hosting are both excellent hosting service choices, but the right operating system for you will depend on your individual goals.

Increasingly, webmasters hope to make use of the latest web applications to improve the content of their websites. These applications may include content management systems (CMS), message board systems, streaming video platforms, and blog tools. Some people may even decide to create their own applications from the ground-up. This kind of content attracts more visitors, keeps their attention, and encourages them to return for regular visits. In the meantime, you can work harder to sell your products or services.

Linux VPS hosting puts the most powerful web development tools at your fingertips, often at a lower price point than Windows VPS hosting services. Let’s look at the numerous advantages of choosing Linux VPS hosting for your rich and engaging, database-driven content.

The benefits of Linux VPS hosting with open source software

“Open source” is a term used to describe software development where the product is made freely available, along with the source code that makes the software work. Linux itself is open source – even the Linux distributions that charge fees are built around the same free Linux kernel. Since many Linux distributions are available at no cost, Linux VPS hosting providers can offer plans at a lower price point, or invest more money in improving other areas of your service.

The same is true of the other technologies featured in the LAMP stack, a collection of software that covers the entire process of dynamic application development. The LAMP stack includes Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP – all free, open source systems included with most Linux VPS hosting services.

Linux and the LAMP stack reduce the cost of VPS hosting and help you to create or run the applications you require for less money. But open source is not just about getting free software and reducing your expenditure. The philosophy of open source also leads to refined technology that is incredibly reliable and constantly evolving.

Under standard open source licenses, the developers of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP make the source code of their products available to the wider development community. As a result, thousands of developers are simultaneously monitoring and improving this code, correcting bugs, and improving performance.

The end-result of these ongoing source code improvements is more reliable hosting services. Linux VPS hosting is a rock-solid platform, capable of handling the large volumes of traffic your exciting, interactive content will attract. The dependability of Linux works alongside the benefits of VPS hosting, namely allocated hardware resources, such as RAM, disk space, and CPU. As your web presence grows and the demand on your hosting service increases, Linux VPS hosting delivers the content your visitors want.

Get Affordable Linux VPS hosting from

Being one of the most experienced Linux VPS hosts in the industry, we understand the benefits of Linux VPS hosting and how to make the most of software across the entire LAMP stack. Drawing on more than 13 years of experience, has optimized not only Linux VPS hosting configurations, but also the entire data center on which your hosting plan runs.

Customers who choose VPS hosting from will find their isolated account located on hardware, or “in the cloud” in a SSAE16-certified and PCI-compliant facility. Our state-of-the-art cloud infrastructure gives Linux VPS hosting plans unrivaled reliability, with 99.99% uptime guaranteed.

Every Linux VPS hosting service also includes Apache, MySQL, and PHP, in addition to cPanel for web-based administration, and SSH access for complete control.

For more information on Linux VPS hosting services from, call 918-392-7870 or visit today.

