Tag: Lucee Hosting

What is Lucee VPS Hosting and how does it help businesses?

Lucee VPS hosting is a powerful option for those looking to host their website with lightning-fast speeds, full root access, and complete control over their server. In this article, we will provide a detailed analysis of Lucee VPS hosting and why it is an excellent option for businesses looking to take their online presence to the next level. What is Lucee VPS Hosting? Lucee VPS hosting is a type of hosting that provides users with a dedicated virtual private server (VPS) running Lucee server software. Lucee is an open-source language that is used to develop web applications and dynamic websites....
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Lucee vs. ColdFusion

ColdFusion was first created to make the connection of HTML to a database easier. Soon it developed into ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), a scripting language with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The success of ColdFusion led to an increase in open-source platforms, with one of them being Lucee. If you’re wondering what the differences between them are and which engine to choose, then this post is for you. Introduction to Lucee and ColdFusion Lucee is an open-source, dynamic scripting language to build web applications in Java. It is based on the Java version of Adobe ColdFusion. As compared to ColdFusion,...
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What Type of Hosting Do You Need?

What Type of Hosting Do You Need? If you decide to build your own website, you’ll need three things: a domain name, content for your site and, last but not least, web hosting. For first-time website owners, deciding on which type of web hosting you should choose can be tricky. Especially when you start to read about each and every type of it. Fortunately, once you figure out the differences between them, you should quickly learn which type will be the best for your website. What is web hosting? Think about your website as a digital file. For its storing...
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Questions and Answers Hostek VPS Hosting

Questions and Answers Hostek VPS Hosting

We offer free consulting for anyone who would like our team to discuss possible solutions for hosting. We usually hear from companies wanting to move existing sites or servers. VPS hosting is a great option especially for companies because of the low cost and it’s easy to get started. We get a lot of questions about VPS hosting. Below are some of the most common answers we share. Will VPS Hosting Be Slow? Physical server hardware is shared with multiple VPS’s but the good news is we’re super careful about resource consumption. We never OVER provision a server; guaranteeing your...
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